TANGEDCO Officers Mobile app for having smart meters installed in Consumers (CT / Non-CT), DTs & AMR in Feeders and Boundaries of All Sections falls under Chennai Smart City Scheme in T.Nagar ABD Area.TANGEDCO SMARTCITY OFFICERS APP - is an initiative towards empowerment of data access to Officers. Offering provisions for near real time monitoring of consumption, voltage, frequency etc. of consumers and network meters can be seen on the field for Monitoring, analysis and taking any corrective actions.It is a user friendly and Officers centric application by offering following features to the TANGEDCO officers:1.Smart Meter Installation status 2.Viewing the consumer consumption individually 3.Feeder wise consumption4.DT wise consumption 5.Outage monitoring 6.Field Inspection & Report submission 7.Tamper Alert Report on notification sent to consumer